Feminine and Fierce
God bestowed upon me the distinct privilege and pleasure of being female. I love all that encompasses my female form. From my earliest days I adored being a girl. I embrace many of the conventional ideals of femininity. I live for endless supplies of beauty products and the latest trends in fashion. I love all the butterflies and admire every rainbow. Romantic comedies are my jam. I am a quintessential “girly girly” in the traditional context. Growing up being female represented more than pretty painted nails and perfectly styled hair. Femininity represented strength and stamina. I grew up watching women conquer great challenges. The women in my family worked hard. They raised their children, they served God with fervor and diligence. Mothers and wives were the glue of a family and the legs of a community. I grew up in a home where education was not an option it was the option. What would we become, how would we influence, how far could we go. The possibilities were endless. My drive for continuous growth and my desire to be soft and supportive are not in opposition. Rather, my courage and care to support are in harmony. One without the other would be a denial of who I am. I was raised to understand a voice is gift. We each have a voice. With that voice comes great responsibility. We use our voice through various channels. My lifestyle, my marriage, parenting and interactions. What will I say with this life I live? What am I teaching my daughter about femininity.
Pink is my favorite color. I know. I know. This is pretty basic and maybe some will say lame but I am here for pink all day everyday. I love caring for my kiddos. I take great pleasure in supporting my husband. This all comes quite naturally to me. As early as I can remember I wanted to be a wife and a mother. I dreamed of baking sweet treats and reading dreamy bedtime stories. I dreamed of delicious dinners and a well kept home. It gives me great pleasure and it is my distinct honor to serve my family well. Loving, warm and nurturing are the tone I set and maintain in my household. I am soft and supportive. I make no apologies for this aspect of my womanhood.
If I ended there I would be denying my very being. I am also passionate, strong and ambitious. I am a creative at my truest essence and I require the time and space to do so. Creating to me is like breathing. I owe it to my creator to honor these aspects of my being. I love words. I see them and feel them and engage deeply with all written and spoken words. My passions and dreams did not disappear with marriage and motherhood. My passions are no less persistent than that of the opposite gender.
I am soft and strong, caring and courageous, delightful and diligent. I love that my expressions of self are not limited and confined. We are multifaceted. We possess the ability to be many things at once. I will live out the complexities of my make up before my children. I humbly hope I can honor my creator with my make up while living my life to inspire my children to be who they were authentically created. Talent and tenderness, boldness and beauty grit and grace functioning in beautiful harmony.