Mommy and Me

Mommy and Me

This moment presented itself no different than any other moment. We find ourselves in this same place daily participating in the same daily upkeep. A routine task of self-care became a momentous occasion in my heart and soul. Years from now she will grow and presumably bear zero recollection of this day. Through the voice of an innocent child, God whispered in my ear. An echo reverberated in the depths of my soul. Wisdom cautions I attend my ear, mind, heart, and life to receive this profound truth. Profound truth delivered through a playful package.  A Beautiful moment of time I will hold unto, forever


My hearts deep  desire from early on, to be a mother of a daughter.  Truly I am blessed beyond my understanding to have that desire fulfilled.  My cup overflows. My son, the answer to a prayer I never prayed. God is awesome in this way. Gifting  with what we  do not know we want or need.  God gifts are often wilder than our wildest imagination. 


It was a day like any other.  I was in the bathroom doing my my little girls hair. I stood behind her, she strategically positioned in front of me on a stool.  She danced and squirmed her way through the process as I  struggled to style her hair.  A simple brush and touch up was all this day required. "Mommy" she said in the form a question. She turned her attention to me and look intently  into my eyes. I was left with no choice but to drop the brush, return her gaze and focus in on my little girl. This voice demanded my undivided attention. "Mommy, I know what I am going to be like when I grow up", She spoke with such confidence. "Oh, is that right?" I inquired with sincerity and honest intrigue. "Mommy I am going to be just like you!" She exclaimed with joyful delight and unwavering confidence. I have always known I was an example. The weight of motherhood forever rest  on the forefront of my mind. Yet still, with big brown eyes starring directly into my eyes  my heart beat a little faster. My brows sweat and butterflies filled my insides. It was one thing to know this. It is an  entirely different reality to hear from the mouth of the one you love.  Speechless, I gently kissed her forehead and proceeded to do her hair. This whisper from God reminded me to paint a portrait. A portrait of beauty and grace. Blaze a trail, showing strength is not synonymous with masculinity and  model the truth that "girly" is not a euphemism for weak. Offer forgiveness and seek forgiveness frequently. Humbly, I share I do not have all the answers. I believe in creating a course and correcting as we learn and grow. What works today may not tomorrow. What I am certain of, is little eyes are watching and we are wise to be intentional with the portrait of the world we paint. My desire is never to raise a mini me. The goal is she develop her individuality, her God given gifts and talents. This does not negate the responsibility of little eyes who view their world through our reality. I am excited about the journey. 

A Few of My Favorite Things

A Few of My Favorite Things

Glow and Grow

Glow and Grow