A Merry Mess or Chaotic Cheer
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Or is it? We are halfway into the month. In less than 10 days our living rooms once adorned with festive strategically placed decor an oasis of comfort and joy will be a sea of household demolition with heights of wrapping paper, boxes and toys. There will be testing and tasting, riding and cycling. Kids will be trying out their brand new electronics, riding bikes around the neighborhood, feeding baby dolls and shooting nerf guns. All of the work and build up, all of the moments and magic will lead to the much awaited day. Christmas morning will be upon us all. Weeks of the anticipation and planning will lead to the much promised day. The hope is along with mess will be meaningful memories made. Here is my authentic truth, I started this Christmas with clear intent. I drafted a plan. More cheer less chaos. I wanted to snuggle and laugh, bake and adore, each other and the Advent of the king. Somewhere between the tenth and the twelfth day of this month I started to feel a bit tired. Not just physically tired but an all around tired. I had to questions the “obligations” vs. the original intent. I was feeling a bit more hurried than happy. I had a strategy at the start of this advent season. I made a list. What truly mattered. I devised my obligations vs. desires. There are the everyday task that do not disappear ( homeschool, cleaning and cooking) and the holiday related to dos that must be attended to ( shopping, wrapping, planning and sending and attending) in a timely fashion. I started the month with a clear game plan. More family and less fussing, more play less plans. I wanted to make memories not be running manically around town. I wanted to be happy not just take happy pictures for the gram because real life is more important than little squares on an app. Some of our seemingly good plans were taking the goodness out of the holiday.