Reach & Rise
My longtime friend is a seasoned teacher. She keeps a cozy little reading area in her elementary classroom stacked with vibrant children’s books for her class. Her classroom structure allows for an independent reading time. The young budding students are encouraged to select a book and provided an allotted time to engage in their chosen pick. She says that without fail every year several young scholars will go straight for the Dr. Seuss books. Sounds cute right? Seuss has a way with words the rhymes and the silly nature of his stories are the stuff childhood wonder is made of. Although, its not cute. Not at all. My friend teaches the fifth grade. Surely by the age of 9 or 10 your reading level and interest has surpassed “Sam I am” and “green eggs and ham”. A child may continue to enjoy these stories at this age and that’s great. But, it is time for a challenge. Maybe you laugh… but are you doing the same? Are you grasping for goals that are well within your reach? Or much worse are they beneath your potential? Have you stopped reaching altogether? Are you allowing yourself to grow into the fullness of who God created you to be? Have you gone beyond the well known rhymes that give you comfort into the stories that will engage and challenge you, propelling you toward growth. Being alive and truly living are not the same. One simply requires a pulse and a heartbeat. It is a baseline. The other demands intention, focus, perseverance and endurance. You, yes you were created with a unique set of gifts, talents and passions that are as imbedded in you as your fingerprints. The same God that placed each star in the sky and called the night from the day carefully crafted you. He set the sun to shine in the day and the moon at night. You have a role in this large landscape of life. It is not merely a destination but a journey of daily purpose and intent. The world needs you and you need you. Are you showing up daily and using what you have to honor your creator and to serve the world? The fruit that comes from being in an intimate relationship with God who formed and fashioned you for his will, as you seek his will and live it out. That fruit, is abundant. It will be a blessing to not only yourself but also others. The classroom example seems obvious. We see clear distinction in what a first grader vs. a fifth grader should read. We have left the classroom but we are still students. Our wise and faithful teacher desires to guide us in a well designed plan that was set before we yet were. Your participation is required, not perfection. Put your metaphorical Dr. Seuss book up and pick up a challenge. A skillful teacher has a plan. Each activity and every lesson is an opportunity to grow in preparation for current and future success. Saying no to reaching higher today means you deny yourself the success from that opportunity in the future. Is it time to leave that comfortable job? Is it time to create boundaries and walk away from toxic circles? Is it time to get the training and much needed tools? Stop settling start leveling up and living your life not just being alive. It is not simply about following your heart or making yourself happy, it is a pursuit of the purpose the creator designed for you. Live a life that overflows with the beauty the creator carefully knitted within you. Do it in your homes, on the street and throughout daily living. Are you a painter? Paint, maybe it is time to take those beauties out of your home dust them off and sell them. Are you a singer? Sing, maybe locally, maybe you’ve always dreamed of Broadway. Work toward it. Are you gifted as teacher? Teach, maybe it’s makeup tutorials or tech knowledge. Teach in your unique innovative way. What is that dream that you can’t shake. What is the cause you feel a pull to support. Will you participate in the plan of purpose specifically designed for your life?
I wish I could tell you I have always said yes to the challenge. I have not. This makes me all the more passionate to encourage you. I know the sting of saying some day and two years later making no strides. This is your life. Live it. We know when we are living mediocre and when we are focused and living on purpose as we pursue our purpose. There is so much inside of you. You are worthy of the investment of time, the exploration of your talents and the rewards of every treasure that will come as you challenge you.
Tamara’s Tangible Tips:
Pray: Creation is at it’s best when it is in step with the creator. Seek God’s will for your life. Keep showing up in prayer even if it feels awkward.
Pause: Prayer is a conversation. I talk and I expect a response. I am amazed at how God answers my prayers. How he leads me and shows me what to do, but it requires my pause and patience. Ask your creator. Where have you been complacent? You owe it to yourself to be honest.
Actionable Advice:
Pursue: The answers may come from a wise friend. It may “suddenly” come to the forefront of your mind. It may be the thing you’ve been avoiding and it’s nagging you. You know you can’t let it go. Maybe a friend will “coincidentally” invite you to help with a volunteer opportunity. Maybe you need to explore a few leads before you feel what is right in your spirit but pursue growth in purpose.
Write it down. What is the goal? Create clear steps to pursue it. Give yourself grace but do not give up.