God’s Girl

God’s Girl

Let’s chat. Friend to friend. Let’s pretend we are face to face, on a cozy coach with a frothy drink. Imagine we have gone beyond the friendly niceties and we are getting real. You know. No makeup, messy bun, comfortable sweats kind of vibe. The kind of situation where you can say what you are really thinking. Here, I will go first. I don’t always act as though I am who I am. What do I mean? Let me explain. There are facts about my current reality, there are failures and frailties about me that are 100% true. There is factual evidence of what is or is not in my possession or at my disposal. There are ways I have dropped the ball. All of this is true about who I am, but there is a greater truth. A higher truth, if you will. I am God’s girl. I am his daughter. I believed in my heart and confessed with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, I believe the death, burial and resurrection of Christ(Romans 10:9). From that point on a relationship developed. Within that relationship are rights, privileges and access. The Bible lays them out clearly. Although, as I said, what do I do when the truth of Gods word about who I am, and what I have as God’s girl collide with the very true facts in my life. Here’s what I mean. The Bible makes bold statements. For example as a God’s girl you are loved, chosen, forgiven, redeemed, adopted, beloved and blessed and created for good work. What happens when you feel lonely, unloved, when people are not choosing you. When you still feel dirty from past failures. When you don’t see the blessings and feel disqualified for the work.

This is when I would lean in and comfort you with the same reality I use to comfort myself. Just because you do not feel it makes it no less true. I remember getting married. I signed some papers and said some words in a fabulous gown. I felt no different. I remember having a baby, I did not instantly feel like a mom but I was a a mom. You don’t have to feel it or “qualify” for it to be true. There is a real enemy of our souls who is hoping to keep us from knowing the truth and living it out. But God! I dare you to say these truths to yourself. I dare you to get in front of your mirror and say these truth to yourselves daily. Every time that deceitful enemy speaks a lie, I dare you to shut him out with the truth! Let’s get this knowledge of who we are down so deep in our spirits that it bubbles over and impacts everyone around us. Let’s get that knowledge and do the good works we were created to do. Let’s impact this world as God’s girl.

You are everything the word of God says you are. Once you believe and receive it is true. Past failures, family history, current realities, the lies of people around you, past trauma, and the realities of your life can not and will not supersede the power of God in your life. You are loved, chosen, forgiven, redeemed, adopted, beloved, blessed and created for good work.

PAUSE: Let’s be honest with yourself about the truth. Both truths, maybe your earthly father abandoned you. That is true, it is also true that your Heavenly Father will never leave you and loves you lavishly and unconditionally. Be honest about all of it.

PRAY: Just like a transparent chat with a friend. Chat with your Heavenly Father. Tell him the truth. Is your past filled with failure? Is your heart frail? Tell him. Ask him to speak to you.

PURSUE: Get into your Bible. Read Ephesians chapter 1 flood your heart and mind with the higher greater truth. Write it on your mirror, in your God’s girl journal, put it on your fridge. Emerge yourself in the truth. Speak about yourself the way God does. You are loved, chosen, redeemed, forgiven and free. Now go out into the world and live loved, chosen, redeemed, forgiven and free. Live out the things you were created to do with full confidence and assurance as God’s Girl.

So much that I don’t know, but the few things I do

So much that I don’t know, but the few things I do

I believe you except I don’t

I believe you except I don’t